Friday, January 22, 2010

Juxtaposing promises and actions of President Barack Obama

When humanity is too much engrossed in sins,there comes a Krishna or Christ to sanctify it;when slavery becomes intolerable,then comes a Gandhi to show the path of freedom;and when cunning leaders exploit the gullible masses too much and people hope for a ‘change’ from monotony…then there is Obama.Bravo!!He is a fantastically rare mix of intelligence,consistency,inspiration,hope,charisma and humanity .And adding to the glut of my wonderment how Obama is this generation’s J.F.Kennedy.I have never seen such intense emotion surrounding a leader as that evoked by Barack Obama and people the world over are imbued with “hope” and chant Obama’s slogan “Yes,we can!”

Undoubtedly,I was a great admirer of Barack Hussein Obama until I was convinced that he has broken promises that he has made during his campaign,victory speech and oath-taking ceremony as the 44th president of the United States of America(America’s first Black President). Its quite disturbing when U.S.Presidents break their campaign promises;it is more disturbing to watch one behave as a puppet for Wall Street. If we look at the people that Obama had put on his appointments list, it's all Wall Street. It's government of Wall Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street. There's nobody from heavy industry. There's nobody from the auto sector. Nobody from Silicon Valley. Nobody from big oil. Nobody from defense. No labor, no women, no retirees, no small business, nothing. It's pure Wall Street. The only people who have a voice in Obama's councils are Wall Street finance oligarchs.It's the most extreme Wall Street administration America ever had.

Obama promised to "eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses." People who invest in small businesses have only been allowed to exclude 50 percent of that gain from capital gains taxes. While Obama's $787 billion economic-stimulus package reduces that tax liability – raising the exclusion to 75 percent – it does not eliminate it. During his transition,he's promised to provide a $3,000 refundable tax credit to existing businesses for every additional full-time U.S. employee hired in 2009 and 2010. His promise was never included in the stimulus package.He pledged to make college "affordable for all Americans" when he announced his American Opportunity Tax Credit. While the American Opportunity Tax Credit was included in the recent stimulus bill, it offers a credit of only $2,500 for up to two years and requires no commitment to community service.He promised to offset the cost of his national service plan with tax law changes and savings from the Iraq war. But he hasn't done so.His promise to apply windfall taxes on big oil companies was also broken.Bear in mind there’s a load of “No Action” promises about taxes.

On the White House website, the Obama administration claims it will be "the most open and transparent in history. But the truth is too far from his claiming.Nonetheless,during his campaign and after he took office, Obama maintained that his administration would have an unyielding commitment to transparency. Obama promised America he would loosen the grip of lobbyists on Washington. It wasn't long before he allowed at least two dozen exceptions and broke his promise.
On his campaign website, Obama promised he would "remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months." Even as combat troops are brought home, Pentagon officials have said fresh units will continue deploying to Iraq.He neither got US troops out of Iraq in 16 months nor brought charges against Bush admin(war crimes).The dismal litany of his broken promises is endless.

I still wonder Obama is convincing the U.S people that he is “The One” who’ll bring about transformation and change.But the bitter truth is he is the perfect Trojan Horse.He makes the people feel like they finally have a place at the table, even as he betrays them.His followers may have felt a jolt when the myth about the ‘change-agent’ met the reality. Sadly,there are still many Obama supporters who can't see what's right in front of their faces, because they've already invested their very identity in this artificially created cult movement.The monikers applied to Obama(‘The Saviour’, ‘The Messiah’), reflect a real spirit that has imbued millions, and this is why far scarier than Obama are his followers. They have deified the man, and you don’t question your god. I truly believe that just as many Germans followed Hitler during WWII, there are many Americans today who would follow Obama unquestioningly, unthinkingly, unknowingly — into the fires of Hell.

President Obama is working for the same interests that Bush served ,the very interest engineering the financial collapse and formation of a dictatorial.He says one thing and does another.He has no intention of keeping his moderate election promises.He may provide excuses, but he still would be deceiving.And I wont hesitate to epithet the Obama deception as ‘the greatest political deception’!!